Natasha Mwansa: Commercial that became a social experiment
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We asked Natasha Mwansa—one of the finalists of Papaya Young Directors international contest —about attractiveness of the documentary form and about finding her interviewees.

Papaya Young Directors is the only competition for young film directors in Europe that facilitates direct access to the professional world of filmmaking. Up until now, there have been six editions of the competition, with 96 films made for 45 sponsors. 

While submitting your script to Papaya Young Directors, you decided to tell your story through a documentary form. Do you feel comfortable in this genre?

Documentary is a genre I have a love/hate relationship with! Though I love the authenticity and often vulnerability that shows through in this medium, I'm also aware of just how personal it can be for a lot of people and how difficult it can be to gain the trust of contributors in sharing intimate details about their lives.

Click here for the full interview.

Natasha Mwansa